Hakbal of the Surging Soul

Global Commander Stats
Win Rate 31%
966 Wins
2112 Losses
Global Rank
Wins By Turn (on avg.)
Elo rating

Global Elo Trend


Commander Popularity Trend


Misc. Stats

Average damage per game 9
Average commander damage per game 6
Average poison counters given per game 4
Average kills per game 0.66
Average turn length 2 minutes
No. decks for this commander 1550
No. games played with this commander 3078
Total hours played about 1 month

Top 5 Public Decks

Rank Elo User No. games Wins
1 1647 darkdotty 7 6
2 1612 MagicoCaprone 7 4
3 1601 halfelven_hobbit 40 30
4 1574 tHe_ZoU_cReW 44 25
5 1571 Silent 8 5