Atraxa, Praetors' Voice

Created on June 7, 2024 by The Final Evil.
Win Rate 100%
1 Wins
0 Losses
View deck list
03:45 Avg. Turn Length
8.0 Avg. Wins By Round
2.0 Avg. Kills Per Game
22.0 Avg. Damage Per Game
8.0 Avg. Game Rounds
Est. Power Level
Confidence Rating
Competitive Rating
Largest Win Streak 1
Largest Kill Streak 2
Games 1

ELO Graph


Damage Graph


Turn length per round



Pantlaza, Sun-Favored
Was killed by you 1 time(s)

Pantlaza, Sun-Favored
Was done 10 damage by you

Bragging rights

Total damage done 22
Total kills 2
Time played 00:30:01
Total healing done 0
Total turns played 8
Average game time 01:11:05
Self damage done 2
Average commander damage per game 0.0
Dominant win-con Poison

Seat position win rate

Note: This is a recent addition so not all matches have this data available.

Seat position Win Rate Games played Games won
4 100.0 % 1 1