Playgroup 3.2 and MagicCon: Amsterdam

May 24, 2024 12:00

Hi everyone,

Today we are releasing Playgroup 3.2 which we dubbed: "The mobile release".

As we spoken about before, we've always developed Playgroup with a tablet in mind. We need to display quite a lot of data and that doesn't always fit on smaller phone screens. Phone support has always been a bit of an afterthought for that reason. Sadly after collecting some data it appears phones are our biggest demographic when it comes to what our users are actually using. That's why the focus for this release is on making the app more phone friendly. Therefore we are making some (big) changes, some hit all form factors, some just for phones.

Bye bye drop-zones
One of the issues on phone is that it's quite hard to properly see where you are dropping on the screen, it requires a conscience effort to hit the right box. One of the big changes this release is the removal of drop-zones on all devices. From now on, you can just drop anywhere on your opponents HUD which should make it much easier to hit your mark.

Introducing the attack screen
Once you drop your mouse or finger we show you a new attack screen. In this screen you can easily choose between the various actions, whether this is damaging, healing, lifegain or something else. We hope that this new way of doing things makes things smoother both on mobile and tablets.
New attack interface

Full Screen on Mobile
We also made changes so that on smaller screens some of the actions now open "full-screen". When declaring an attack it will now open full screen making it easier to navigate the app. The same happens when opening the "Advanced Actions Menu".

All in all we hope these changes together make for a much cleaner experience on mobile and can't wait to hear your opinions.

MagicCon: Amsterdam
The Playgroup crew will further more be attending MagicCon: Amsterdam this year, so if you are attending make sure to drop by our booth to talk about Magic, Playgroup or to win some nice prices!

Our focus for the next month will be on MagicCon and growing our userbase. We are working with content creators to get our app seens by more people and are also posting an other update on Reddit.

As always Playgroup is being shaped by you; the players, if you have any ideas for features or ways to advertise the app feel free to reach out!