2024 Rewind
Hans de Greef's
2024 in Commander
You played 71
Games this year
You are in the top 10.51% of active players on Playgroup!
That's 63
Hours of Commander!
You won Games
You lost Games
That's a Winrate
Favourite Commanders
Games played
9 Wins
8 Losses
This puts you in the top 3.19% of the most active Kenrith, the Returned King players!
Games played
6 Wins
9 Losses
This puts you in the top 4.05% of the most active Sidisi, Brood Tyrant players!
Games played
4 Wins
7 Losses
This puts you in the top 6.02% of the most active Bristly Bill, Spine Sower players!
Games played
3 Wins
6 Losses
This puts you in the top 8.57% of the most active Helga, Skittish Seer players!
Games played
2 Wins
6 Losses
This puts you in the top 8.37% of the most active Anikthea, Hand of Erebos players!
Your nemesis Koen Mommersteeg Killed you Times!
Your were Koen Mommersteeg's nemesis And killed them Times!
You killed Opponents
Did Damage
And healed for Health
Your longest turn was Minutes
Your were EXTREMELY salty in Game(s)!
Your average fun rating was
Thanks for making playgroup.gg part of your 2024! (swipe down to start from the top)