Treebriar, the Walking Branch

Piloted by Beccaw28
Created on June 2, 2023 by Koryh.
Win Rate 0%
0 Wins
1 Losses
View deck list
01:10 Avg. Turn Length
Avg. Wins By Round
0 Avg. Kills Per Game
3.0 Avg. Damage Per Game
9.0 Avg. Game Rounds
Est. Power Level
Confidence Rating
Competitive Rating
Largest Win Streak No wins yet
Largest Kill Streak 1
Games 1

ELO Graph


Damage Graph


Turn length per round



Mill in Exile
Was done 3 damage by you

Mill in Exile
Killed you 1 time(s)


Dog cat
Did 421 damage to you

Bragging rights

Total damage done 3
Total kills 44
Time played 00:09:25
Total healing done 0
Total turns played 8
Average game time 00:29:22
Self damage done 0
Average commander damage per game 3.0
Dominant win-con Commander Damage

Seat position win rate

Note: This is a recent addition so not all matches have this data available.

Seat position Win Rate Games played Games won
1 66.67 % 6 4
2 50.0 % 6 3
3 0 % 2 0
4 0 % 1 0
Other pilots
Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
Treebriar, the Walking Branch
Win Rate 58%
19 Wins
14 Losses